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Top 3 digital tools essential for every charity

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We’re living in a digital world, and charities have to keep up. Maximise the potential of your charity with these fantastic digital tools.


Inclusivity and accessibility

All organisations need to ensure that their services, recruitment and messaging are inclusive. Disability, ethnicity and gender should be not barriers to access. This is especially the case for charities in the way that they handle their ethics. 

However it can be difficult to recognise unconscious bias – not just in our individual actions, but built in to the technologies and systems we use –  and even trickier to combat them. This is where digital inclusion tools come in. 

Make your hiring process more inclusive – Comic Relief uses the digital platform Applied to remove unconscious biases.

Is your website accessible and inclusive? Try linking up with Ability Net who have helped the British Museum to boost inclusivity by adding transcripts to audio and video content.


Make life easier for your volunteers

It can be tricky to keep on top of volunteers, and there’s nothing worse than leaving volunteers with nothing to do or feeling under-valued. 

Komorabi are streamlining the volunteer process by linking people with time to donate with specific tasks that need to be done.With our platform charities simply list the tasks they need completing, and volunteers with matching skills and interests can easily sign up to help. 

The greatness of the task ahead can sometimes seem daunting to volunteers who may be hesitant to make a long term commitment, or feel overwhelmed by the challenges involved in some volunteering activities. By breaking down tasks in to to bite-sized chunks, also known as micro-volunteering, volunteers can feel a greater sense of achievement as they work they’re way through them. Keeping a record of completed tasks could also help volunteers in reaching other goals, such bagging a new job, which will further testify to the value of their experience.

If you would like to follow in the footsteps of The Mix, Doorstep Library, and Send a Smile in better supporting their volunteers, contact


Save time on social media

As we’re sure you’re aware, social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram, are integral to the marketing of any company , and this is no different for charities.

Facebook was  found to be used by the vast majority (84.5%) of charities as an essential communication channel during the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a recent survey by CharityComms and Media Trust. 

But creating posts that will be seen, selecting when to post them, and keeping on top of what has and hasn’t been posted can be very time consuming. This is where a social media management tool can help by organising what is being published and when it goes live across different platforms. It saves time by helping to schedule posts, as well as offering analysis of what is working and what isn’t. 

Here at Komorabi, we find that Buffer is especially useful for scheduling, and Loomly is great for collating popular hashtags, and even helps you build your post with attention to timings and readability.

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